Santal Pao Rosa L’Art & La Matière Guerlain

 Santal Pao Rosa L’Art & La Matière Guerlain

You can immediately feel the difference between real niche perfumery and stylization from “big” perfume houses. Yes, the focus is on raw materials, all those “precious ingredients” that are so common in press releases. Yes, all the bottles are the same and maybe even with mother-of-pearl and rhinestones for clients from countries where oil gushes like a fountain right in the yard. But brands like Guerlain do not and have not attempted to flirt with the advanced user. There is no all this familiarity when a person takes the score and guesses “pyramids and notes” in the aroma. Guerlain perfumes are absolutely seamless, although in the L'Art & La Matière collection they are somewhat less mysterious than the classics L'Heure Bleue or Chamade.

In Santal Pao Rosa, this seamlessness is literally felt on the skin. The scent glides over her like gray silk crepe. In the traditional oriental pattern there are red specks of caramel and black vanilla, cold green reflections of cardamom and earthy-mushroom tones of myrrh. Santal Pao Rosa quickly warms up on the wrists, merges with their own slightly milky smell and sleepy morning warmth, responds to every quickening of the pulse and repeats all body movements with a slight rustle.
The border is blurred, and now it’s no longer a fragrance, but you yourself smell fragrant like a gift from the Magi. The woody and spicy power only grows over time, but having become one with the aroma, you no longer understand when it’s all over and whether it’s over?

The pattern in Santal Pao Rosa is oriental, but the cut is quite European. An example of almost perfect assimilation of oud far from home. He's like Jean-Claude Van Damme doing his famous splits between trucks. And with the same self-confident grin.

I unexpectedly love it and wear it with pleasure. Santal Pao Rosa is one of the three fragrances in this collection that I would like to have in a bottle.

Delphine Jelk
Sandalwood, fig, hazelnut, rose, agarwood, myrrh.


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